By Karina Pešatová
The Super(computing)heroes Birds of a Feather (BoF) session at SC24 was a celebration of inclusivity, resilience, and the transformative potential of high-performance computing (HPC). The session highlighted the diverse career paths in HPC, the role of allies in fostering inclusivity, and the immense societal impact of HPC research and innovation. This inspiring event featured panellists from around the world, each bringing unique perspectives on their HPC journeys, their superpowers, and how the community can evolve to become even more welcoming and impactful. The session was uniquely interactive, with the audience actively shaping the discussion by voting on questions, submitting their own inquiries, and sharing personal experiences and insights that enriched the dialogue and highlighted the collaborative spirit of the HPC community.
Meet the Panelists

Michela Taufer (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA) shared her superpower of resilience, emphasising its importance in building sustainable infrastructure for interdisciplinary discoveries.
Lúcia Drummond (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil) echoed the theme of resilience, reflecting on her work in HPC and cloud computing and the determination required to overcome challenges.
Verónica Melesse Vergara (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA) described her talent for „finding problems“ in HPC operations, underlining the critical role of addressing system issues to drive innovation.
Lara Timm (Centre for High Performance Computing, South Africa) highlighted her ability to create safe spaces, fostering authenticity and collaboration, particularly for underrepresented groups in tech.
Doris Franke (cultural change and business consultant, Germany)offered her „outsider’s perspective,“ underscoring the value of diverse viewpoints in advancing the field.
Chia-Lee Yang (National Center for High Performance Computing, Taiwan) exemplified adaptability, navigating a non-traditional path to HPC and contributing to biomedical projects and data analysis.
HPC: A Path for Everyone
The panellists noted that passion for solving problems in domains like climate science, healthcare, or space often serves as an entry point. HPC is a welcoming field that is continually evolving and offering roles that suit a wide range of interests and skills. Michela Taufer encouraged attendees to seize opportunities by stepping out of their comfort zones: „It takes courage to put yourself out there, to join a conversation, or even to simply sit at the table. But it’s necessary. Go to that dinner, introduce yourself, and talk to people. That’s how you create the opportunities.“ For those eager to learn, HPC offers opportunities to contribute at every level, from infrastructure and curriculum development to algorithm design. The strength of the HPC community lies in its collaboration and the innovative ideas that emerge from diverse perspectives. Doris Franke emphasised: “With the rise of quantum computing, there’s a unique chance to develop a workforce that truly reflects the diversity of our society. As the demand for skilled professionals grows, it’s clear that managers cannot afford to overlook half the population.”
Diversity Fuels Innovation
The panel explored how the composition of the HPC community impacts the types of problems addressed. Several examples were pointed out, such as limited research on tropical diseases or systemic biases in AI models, as consequences of a lack of representation. Verónica Melesse Vergara encouraged the audience to raise this issue: “Be intentional about creating and fostering a diverse community. We need to actively work on including underrepresented groups to make better decisions that truly reflect the needs of a wider population.” The panellists emphasised that HPC offers something for everyone, from scientific research to business development and outreach. However, the audience raised an evident trend: the closer the work is to hardware, the fewer women are involved. They also noted that individuals with strong soft skills are often steered toward management roles. While this can be an excellent path for those genuinely interested, it’s essential for everyone to feel empowered to pursue what truly excites them.
The Role of Allies
The discussion also touched on how male allies—and allies in general—can better support diversity in HPC. The panellists urged attendees to increase diversity in conference speakers and awards by sponsoring others, nominating colleagues from underrepresented groups, and self-nominating when necessary.
Chia-Lee Yang also addressed the cultural differences, pointing out the importance of having support: “Joining the community or speaking in public is not part of us. I do not see any Asian faces in the audience. We are very shy, so I encourage my colleagues to join a community of like-minded colleagues. It is important to get support.”
One of the day-to-day challenges women encounter in male-dominated environments is dealing with gender-based expectations and stereotypes, such as being expected to take notes during meetings or having their contributions overlooked in discussions. Lara Timms expanded on this issue, explaining, „While we are not directly assigned the task of taking notes, there’s always an expectation that we will volunteer. It would be appreciated if our male colleagues took the initiative, sparing us the discomfort of not fulfilling these unspoken expectations.“ Both male and female allies play a crucial role in uplifting individuals with diverse skills and interests, ensuring everyone can thrive in their chosen paths. Lúcia Drummond emphasised the importance of women supporting each other, saying, „My generation was raised to view other women as competition to be conquered. However, we must overcome this mindset, support the success of the exceptional women we work with, and help talented young professionals grow to excellence. If we truly want to make a difference, we must become allies, not competitors.“
The Super(computing)heroes session at SC24 underscored the transformative power of diversity in HPC, both in solving complex global challenges and in fostering a welcoming and supportive community. By embracing resilience, adaptability, and collaboration, the HPC field can continue to change the world while becoming a space where everyone feels empowered to contribute. If you are passionate about addressing these issues and want to be part of the change, we invite you to join the community of Women in HPC. We support each other, promote diversity, and create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

About the blog post author:

Karina Pešatová, MBA, is the head of the Training and Education Department at IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre, Czech Republic. Her MBA is in PR and Communication. Her 8 years of experience working at and leading the Public Relations Department at IT4Innovations has led her to develop an enthusiasm for creating and executing high-quality outreach and science popularisation content and events, which she is now utilising in her new role in the Training and Education domain. Her numerous international activities include the dissemination of several FP7 and H2020 projects and their outcomes, amongst others, contributing to developing outreach and training programmes for PRACE 2IP – 6IP and being the training champion for the Czech National Competence Center in HPC in the EuroCC 1 and 2 projects. She is the coordinator of an international project, Superheroes 4 Science, which aims to demonstrate HPC and its related fields to the next generation of HPC specialists and the general public. Karina is one of the founding members of the Central European Chapter of Women in HPC and the current leader.
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