Text and pictures by Andreas Herten
From Friday, 11 November, until Saturday, 19 November, I traveled to Salt Lake City for the Supercomputing Conference (fully: the international conference of high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis, but everyone either calls it the Supercomputing or even only SC16). SC is the largest conference for all things supercomputing (and then some). Every year, it is held in a different city in USA. About 12 000 people visit the conference each year1 – and Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) does so as well.
Actually, Jülich’s involvement is two-fold (at least).

First off, JSC always has a booth on the exhibits floor. The floor hosts a large exhibition in which different vendors from industry, universities, academic institutions, and other supercomputing-related projects showcase their offerings. Being a long-time attendee and one of the largest supercomputing centres in Europe, JSC has quite a prominent booth, which it shares with RWTH Aachen and the DEEP project this year. We present our supercomputing systems, current research and projects, and tools we develop. For instance LLview, a tool to visualize the load of our supercomputers. Also, our new Human Brain Project PCP systems have a display wall.