Die Blogs des Forschungszentrums Jülich

Living Lab Energy Campus
Last updated: 2025-02-27The LLEC project develops highly integrated energy supply systems in the sectors of heat, electricity, chemical energy storage and mobility based on adaptive and predictive control strategies. The goal is to create an intelligent energy system that takes equal account of the issues of sustainability, economic efficiency and user comfort. To this end, a real laboratory is being built on campus to test the building blocks and their interaction for the energy system of the future. A project team from a wide range of disciplines has joined forces and will report here on its progress.
Knight Watch
Last updated: 2024-12-10Der Name “Knight Watch” ist eine Referenz auf den Kollaborationsnamen JEDI. Diese Abkürzung steht zwar eigentlich für Jülich Electric Dipole moment Investigations, aber jeder kennt diesen Namen natürlich auch in einem anderen Zusammenhang. Die JEDI Kollaboration hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, einen Beitrag zur Lösung der Frage “Warum existieren wir überhaupt?” oder genauer “Warum gibt es fast ausschließlich Materie im Universum, aber nur wenig Antimaterie?”. Dieser Blog möchte die Arbeiten dazu begleiten und auch die Hintergründe etwas verständlicher machen.

Impact and Change
Last updated: 2024-11-14The world of science has never been as interconnected and diverse as it is today. Diversity is the engine that drives science to peak performance. This blog not only provides an insight into science “made in Jülich”, but also into individual career paths and the personal experiences of our researchers.
We want to share stories behind great innovations, brilliant innovators, and aspiring entrepreneurs at Forschungszentrum Jülich.
This blog wants to detail our quest for creating an inclusive and equitable work environment where diversity is seen as a strength and individuals have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
Here, international scientists will find a space to talk about their experiences working in Germany. Further, you will find tips and news about funding opportunities and scholarships that can pave your way to an experience abroad.
Last updated: 2024-06-11Jülich’s campus measures 2.2 km2 – it’s large enough to be a small town. This blog tells the tale of what’s happening on campus and inside the numerous institutes and facilities. The blog is maintained by employees at Corporate Communications, but contributions from guest authors also have a place here.

Climate Research Taking Off
Last updated: 2023-09-27The atmospheric groups of the Institute for Energy and Climate Research participate frequently in airborne field campaigns. This blog will keep you updated on the latest news of these campaigns. How is the status of the instruments and campaign participants? Which research flights are performed? Which challenges do we face and how do we solve them? If you are curious whats happening on our atmospheric research campaigns, you definitely will enjoy this blog!

A Bridge to Africa
Last updated: 2022-08-22For one week in autumn 2018 young scientists from Ghana and other African regions will meet Geo-scientists from Forschungszentrum Jülich in Accra, to get in contact with the latest methods of modern geoscientific research – modeling and simulation with supercomputers. The vision: Soil Research can support a secure and sustainable food production for Africa – and a week together could be the first step for future cooperation of geo-scientists from both sides of the bridge. Welcome to this project diary where we will report regularly how the bridge building advances.
Von A bis Z
Last updated: 2019-09-24Zum „Sechzigsten“ wird ein Jülicher ABC zusammengestellt. Es erfasst Vorhaben, Einrichtungen und Innovationen, die für das Forschungszentrum wichtig oder zumindest markant gewesen sind. Der historische FZJ-„Volksbrockhaus“ soll leicht lesbar sein. Es wird mit „Algenforschung“ begonnen, „Zentralbibliothek“ soll das Jülicher ABC abschließen. Die Folge zwischen „B“ und „Y“ wird nicht verraten. Auch steht sie noch nicht endgültig fest. Für viele Buchstaben gibt es eine ganze Reihe von Kandidaten.

Verändere die Welt, programmiere
Last updated: 2019-03-13Die Programmiersprache Python wird von uns als Werkzug für den Wissenschaftlichen Alltag gerne genutzt. Darüber hinaus nimmt der eine oder andere sie als Bestandteil der Home Automation war. Wir versuchen, uns mit Programmen die Welt einfacher zu machen.
Der Blog gibt einen Einblick in die wunderbare Welt des Programmierens.*1 Effzet
Last updated: 2018-01-12The DocTeam represents all doctoral researchers within the research center Jülich. To have an additional source of communication we decided to start our own blog to spread important information and announce upcoming events. Since we are involved in several committees and participating in multiple projects, there is a large amount of information available every month that is of interest for every Doc, Master student and employee. This blog will provide summaries of important advances and enables Docs, as well as Master students and everyone interested to follow the work and progress of the DocTeam individually to stay up to date with ongoing projects. Furthermore, it will make the working environment and atmosphere of doctoral researchers within the Forschungszentrum Jülich more transparent and communicates a first impression of that to potential applicants.