After the Kiruna Test campaign did not happen as planned, the main StratoClim campaign in India during the Asian Monsoon phase this year has been shifted to next year. Those news were unexpected as we visited an India training course, got medical advice for the journey and already sent one container with equipment to India, which is now slowly on its way back. As a PhD student and new to the community I still have to get used to disappointing, unexpected and sudden cancellations of campaigns/events that already have been planned in small detail.

For this year an alternative was found: Another campaign will take place in Kalamata, Greece from 22nd of August to 9th of September.

From Forschungszentrum Jülich, the container is packed with all the equipment and instruments and is now on its way to Kalamata. The last pieces were packed yesterday 11 pm.


About Corinna Kloss

Corinna is a PhD student in the field of Atmospheric Science at the Institute of Energy and Climate Research since 2014. She helped developing the spectrometer AMICA and will now search for trace gases in the asian monsoon in Nepal with AMICA.

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