As you know, ex-hurricane Ophelia arrived on Monday to Ireland. Following the advise of the Irish meteorological service, we stayed at home, but… we didn’t have electricity nor water! Want to know what we did? Keep reading and you may find delicious surprises!
Since we knew Ophelia was coming, we followed its development closely and got prepared for what could happen. Protect all the equipment, fit several airplanes in the hangar… And even refuel machines parked outside, just in case. Preparation also included a rushed visit to the supermarket (we arrived just 15 minutes before they closed…).

Preparations for storm “Ophelia”. HALO had to share its hangar with three other planes to get protection from the winds and rains. (Picture by Nicole Spelten, Forschungszentrum Jülich)
On Monday, due to the meteorological conditions we stayed at home. However, in the middle of the day, we had a power cut and no water. But luckily, part of our team is living in houses where they didn’t have this problem. So… what better plan than to join them and spend the evening together! We prepared dinner, with a wide delicious menu that deserves, minimum, one Michelin star. Pumpkin soup, pasta with three different sauces and also an original dessert, pumpkin pie.

One of the three the sauces, pumpkin sauce. (Photo by Hans Nordmeyer, Karlsruhe Institut for Technology).
See you in the next post!
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