End of May an email from the WHPC team reached our chapter, asking if any of us would be interested to give a talk about “Women in HPC: Breaking Barriers and Shaping the Future” at the Supercomputing Day 2024, which is a side event of the large “Nexus2050” tech event in Luxembourg. How could we say no to such an opportunity?


On the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2024, our network JuWinHPC organised some events with the friendly support of the FZJ’s Equal Opportunities Bureau (BfC) and the Equal Opportunities Officer. The first big bang was a thought-provoking, engaging presentation by our colleague Carolin Penke titled “What could possibly go wrong – Dangers of recent AI advancements from a diversity perspective”. Afterwards, we discussed the “Gender Dimension in AI” with about 30 participants in the room, while the entire session was also followed by another about ten colleagues online.
