Geophyisca left this morning at around 10:30 am and is now on the way back to its main base in Russia.

Yesterday most people already started packing their equipment and will go back home in the beginning of next week. This weekend we still have a Campaign Group Meeting here in Kiruna.

Group picture, picture by Ivanov Pavel

Group picture in front of Geophysica, picture by Ivanov Pavel



Group picture in front of Arena Arctica, the pilot in the middle, picture by Ivanov Pavel



Geophysica leaving, picture taken by Ralf Weigel


Geophysica before take off, picture taken by Ralf Weigel

Geophysica just before take off, picture taken by Ralf Weigel

Geophysica take off, picture taken by Nicole Spelten

Geophysica take off, picture taken by Nicole Spelten


During a walk around the ice hotel

During a walk around the ice hotel yesterday evening.


Two smart Scientists pretending to be a bird

Two scientists pretending to be a bird.


At the ice hotel, one igloo already broke down

At the ice hotel, one igloo already broke down.



About Corinna Kloss

Corinna is a PhD student in the field of Atmospheric Science at the Institute of Energy and Climate Research since 2014. She helped developing the spectrometer AMICA and will now search for trace gases in the asian monsoon in Nepal with AMICA.

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