From November 13th to 18th, 2016, SC16, the 28th annual international conference of high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis, took place in Salt Lake City, Utah. Like every year the past 27 years, the conference was very successful and drew more than 11,100 registered attendees and featured a technical program spanning six days. The exhibit hall featured 349 exhibitors from industry, academia and research organizations from around the world.

Me enjoying the sun outside the SC16 conference and exhibition hall. — Picture by Bernd Mohr







Of course, as every year, many exciting things happened, but luckily for me, others already nicely summarized the SC16 conference, so I can keep this article short. 😉 The SC16 communication team published a nice summary about SC16 including a list of all award winners. My JSC colleague Andreas Herten wrote an entertaining FZJ blog article describing his experiences and impressions visiting SC16 and Salt Lake City. And finally, Kim McMahon, the Marketing & Communications Chair of my SC17 Inclusivity Committee, shared her thoughts and impressions of SC16 in this blog post.

So what is left to me are some personal picture impressions 😉

SC16 General Chair John West from TACC opening the conference — Picture by Bernd Mohr

The SC16 main ballroom used for keynotes, award presentations and plenary invited talks. It seats 3500 people — Picture by Bernd Mohr

Student and PostDoc Job Fair at SC16 — Companies and Research organizations offering jobs and internships — Picture by Bernd Mohr

On Thursday, the week-long nice weather ended and we got “some” snow — Picture by Bernd Mohr

Salt Lake Mormon Temple — Picture by Bernd Mohr

About Bernd Mohr

Bernd Mohr is a scientist at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) of Forschungszentrum Jülich. He is also deputy head of the JSC division "Application Support". His research centers on Supercomputing in general and especially on performance tools for parallel programming for almost 30 years now.

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