Two OSI approved open source software projects developed in Jülich, Mission Support System (MSS) and LiberTEM, offer oppurtunities for students to participate in the Google Summer of Code. This scholarship program funds students for three months while they work on an open source project of their choice.
Mike Driscoll has been running a great blog series about Python developers. PyDev of the Week was introduced for more than four years.
Today it was my turn to answer his interview questions.
The blog posts helps to interconnect people of the Python community and to learn more from each other. It is rare that we all could meet in real life. Thanks, Mike !
Last Week in the ZKM (Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe) a famous place in Karlsruhe a lot people joined the Python Conference with theire satellite events. Me and a few of my colleagues took place in that biggest event of this series for now. 543 attendee got a place and 198 were on the waiting list. All talks of the conference speakers were reviewed by a program committee. For three days 3 Keynotes of famous persons and more than 50 talks and 8 tutorials got on the schedule. The last 2 days me and several others used to contribute together to software projects.
Beim Schreiben von Python Software kann man auf eine Vielzahl von Tools zurückgreifen, die hilfreich das Projekt begleiten.
Es fängt bei der Entwicklungsumgebung an, einer Testing Umgebung, und endet bei der Dokumentation und dem Deploymentprozess.
Das Mission Support System (MSS) ist eine Software um wissenschaftliche Forschungsflüge planen zu können.
Nicht nur Datenformate wurden vor vielen Jahren für eine Portable Nutzung konzipiert, eine ähnliche Idee im gleichem Zeitraum 1993 geboren bezieht sich auf Programme. Programme müssen nicht unbedingt auf dem Betriebssystem für die sie entwickelt wurden ausgeführt werden.
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