Isabell Krisch | 23. January 2016
Yesterday there was a HALO flight towards the North Pole to measure polar stratospheric clouds. On that flight HALO followed the CALIPSO satellite track to compare the measurements. During this flight the ground crew had some hours off during the afternoon. This opportunity we took to visit the nearby village of Jukkasjärvi. The village is next to a big frozen lake. So we walked over the lake where we met some dog sledges and jetskis. Afterwards we could warm up with tea and coffee in a Sami tipi at an open fire place.
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Isabell Krisch | 20. January 2016
Today I will show you a bit around and tell you what we do besides preparing scientific flights. This post will be mainly a collection of pictures. At the end today’s HALO flight will be presented shortly.
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Isabell Krisch | 17. January 2016
Today we want to do a long flight with HALO towards Greenland. How is this decision made? Why today? And why to Greenland? In my blog post today I will give a short overview about how the planning process looks like.
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Isabell Krisch | 13. January 2016
After a successfull 9 hours flight HALO arrived at the Arena Artica in Kiruna yesterday. The flight was quite challenging for the aircraft and all the scientific instruments. Nevertheless lots of scientific interesting data has been accumulated. The instruments from the Research Center Jülich operated for the first time during this campaign without any problems.
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Isabell Krisch | 12. January 2016
… even the one to Kiruna. Today is the transfer flight of HALO to Kiruna. Due to the meteorological situation this flight goes first to the South over Malta, then back to the very North over the Norwegian Sea and finally to Kiruna.
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Isabell Krisch | 22. December 2015
Two scientific flights were successfully performed in the last days. Now HALO will get its deserved Christmas break. Also the teams are in need for some days off. Due to unforeseen problems some of them had to work around the clock for the last two weeks. Everybody is relieved, that most of the instruments could earn valuable data. The GLORIA team from Jülich and Karlsruhe will get some homework to think about during the holidays as the instrument is unfortunately still not performing as expected. Nevertheless, we are confident to solve the problems for the campaign phase in Sweden.
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Isabell Krisch | 17. December 2015

Picture by Peter Preusse, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
HALO will take-off for the first scientific flight of the POLSTRACC/GW-Lcycle/GWEX/SALSA campaign today at 13:30. Details will follow soon.
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