There are some problems we cannot solve alone: We need help from partners and friends. This applies, for example, to the current research and education situation in Africa, but also to the supply of energy, ressources and food. The two German institutions, Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University, therefore signed an agreement on Monday yesterday with the Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD) in Dakar, Senegal, to help the university train the next generation of energy experts.

The International Master’s Programme in Energy an Green Hydrogen is the cornerstone of the collaboration between the three parties, which was established with the signing ceremony of the Addedendum. The first 60 students from the 15 ECOWAS states are currently completing their seminars and examinations in order to obtain a Master’s degree next year. The focus of the programme is on the energy transition and the supply of African countries with sufficient electricity. The young people are to act as ambassadors in their countries to enable green energy and the production of green hydrogen in Africa.

The programme is carried out together with the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). There are already several joint projects with WASCAL. The continuation of the cooperation in Togo is also a milestone for the WASCAL colleagues.

Shaping the future
The expansion of the cooperation offers numerous possibilities and holds out many hopes. The Vice Chancellor of UCAD summed this up very aptly: “The African people need trained experts”. The close cooperation between the three partners will ensure that these experts will be able to help in shaping the future energy supply in their own countries.

For their part, the students also have clear hopes and wishes, such as obtaining a doctorate and working in research, university or industry, but above all making a valuable contribution to society and having an influence on the quality of life of the people in their own countries.

A strong network
In addition to the three partners, the ministries and embassies are also to be involved. During a visit to the German embassy in Dakar, Senegal, the members of the German delegation were able to draw attention to the projects already in progress and at the same time explore future possibilities for support.

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About Sabine Clemens

Sabine Clemens ist Pressereferentin für den Fachbereich Nationale und Internationale Beziehungen in der Unternehmensentwicklung. Daher schreibt sie in diesem Blog über die verschiedensten Themen der Internationalität. --- Sabine Clemens is press officer for National and International Relations in the department of Corporate Development. She therefore writes about a wide variety of topics relating to internationality in this blog.

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